Thursday, October 11, 2012

File Incinerator on OS X: Nearing Completion

My file incinerator utility is nearing completion! The application now fully incinerates files, shows icons of the files being incinerated, and has many bug and security fixes. You can comment on this application in the comments below.

It is written in Cocoa and Objective-C with some C/C++ for the file incineration itself. There are some limits to the file size that this utility can erase, but it should work for most text documents, etc.


  1. The "Check for Updates" menu item does not work properly.
  2. Applications as .app app bundles cannot be erased using this tool. Regular UNIX executable files do work however.
You can download this application by clicking the link below. Please note I am not responsible for any damage done with or by this tool.


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